"The Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, which survived the nuclear attack on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.""The old and the new, Hiroshima.""Reflection, Kyoto.""Autumnal colours, Tazawako / The spectacular Golden Temple, Kinkakuji, Kyoto.""A stork in the gardens of Kinkakuji, the Golden Temple, Kyoto.""Direction sign, Kyoto.""Moss like a carpet, carefully and lovingly swept each day at Ginkakuji, the Silver Temple, Kyoto.""Soup as a work of art, Kyoto.""Wooden Japanese house, Kyoto.""Evening sky, Kyoto.""Young girl in a kimono at the Sumiyoshi-taisha shrine, Osaka.""Wishes and prayers at the Sumiyoshi-taisha shrine, Osaka.""Catching up on the news, Osaka.""Drumming competition, Osaka.""Lanterns, Yoyogi Park, Tokyo.""Bright lights, Shibuya, Tokyo.""Shop window, Tokyo.""Autumnal colours, Tazawako.""Abandoned car, Lake Tazawa.""Curve, Tazawako.""Japanese breakfast, Tazawako.""Highrises, Nagoya.""Taxis, Shin-Osaka station.""Monorail, Kokura.""River Walk shopping and arts centre, Kokura.""On the ferry from Shimonoseki to Busan, South Korea."